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  • Writer's pictureWisdom Within Writings

We Are Not Born Knowing 🧠 Education Matters. 📖

We all go through life learning what all of this is about, why we are here and what it actually means to be human...

With so much deception everywhere we are often led astray to believe it's all just a game and we're just characters in a computer simulation...

Well dear ones, that is not the matter of fact...

Life is not a joke, it is a responsibility.

We as human beings have a great capacity for intelligence, that does not mean however that we automatically are intelligent...

We are not born into the world knowing all we need to know...

We require guidance, nurturing and knowledge.

Hence why education matters so much...

We clearly differ to animals and plants....

That is why God revealed himself to us in two ways;

One ~ Through his Works which is all of Creation

Two ~ Through his Words which is Scripture.

When humanity denies even the existence of a Creator, which so much of the world has, then we are already dead...

As without God there is no life, only death and destruction...

You see it is a spiritual endeavour to pursue Truth, the scientific method being our ability to observe what God has done with His freedom...

Ideally; through the creation of all things, humanity learns of harmony, order and beauty.

And through the knowledge of Gods Word, we gain understanding and wisdom of the Laws of morality...

As we have a conscience, it should be our guide, however it is by no means enough to just "know" alone...

Society and culture shapes us much more than anything else...

I mean, think back on your own life, how much the people you value greatly in your life significantly affect the choices you make and the way you perceive the world...

Because of our ability to flexibly change and grow in perspective and thinking, we can thus also drastically change in behaviour from environmental influence...

This is why the clashing of cultures is not to be taken lightly...

Because cultures do not merge, they clash...

There is no such thing as coexisting so one will always give in to the other...

This is fact and has happened time and time again...

Hence the importance of sound doctrine, ancient knowledge as a foundation to all...

But our education system is a mockery of God and His laws, teaching youth ideocratic doctrines of Satanism, nihilism and solipsism...

Institutionalized higher education being higher levels of meaninglessness and error...

With this, we are seeing the collapse of spiritual and moral integrity around the world...

Without a foundation of the knowledge God gave us through his natural laws, humanity is on a jumbo jet plane destined for self destruction....

The solution? You need to read God's word for yourself, daily...

The amount of wisdom given to us by God is incomprehensible to “finish”...

You make the choice to no longer be wilfully ignorant and instead be wilfully dedicated to knowing God, Truth and the reality of our existence...

Because life is not a joke, with your creation came great responsibility...

The responsibility to sacrifice self indulgence for service to the Good...

Only when you have a true connection to God will any of this, or life, make sense in it's most meaningful form...

Don’t delay, start studying true knowledge today...

For none of us know how long we have on this Earth, yet we do know we were not made to ignore and deny Truth to our peril...

Your God given rationale tells you that.

Don't deny Truth, embrace it and flourish in being the person God made you to be.

Til next time,


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